
Michael Schupbach is a professional designer, fabricator, art director, project manager, and educator. He is a co-founder of Puppet Kitchen Productions, a full-service puppet design studio in Manhattan, and an alumnus of Jim Henson’s Muppet Workshop.
He specializes in character-based 2D and 3D design, 3D printing, fabrication, art direction, project management, and creating custom educational content.
Art Direction:
Michael Schupbach knows how to art direct
Michael Schupbach knows how to design
Michael Schupbach knows how to teach
Daytime Emmy Awards: Sesame Street, Costume Design x4
Daytime Emmy Awards: Johnny and the Sprites, Outstanding Children's Programming (Nomination)
NYMF Festival: Claudio Quest Award for Excellence, Puppetry and Puppet Design
Client List:
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With years of experience teaching on a collegiate level…